You cannot create a data model in JDO-GAE that is agnostic of its

Twig allows your domains classes to use any key type you want or even
none at all.

class Parent
    String name;
    @Entity(relation=child) Child child;
class Child
    String name;

This will be correctly stored without any extra configuration

Its an option if your time is worth more than the small degree of
portability you gain using a standard.

On Jan 15, 9:24 pm, Carl Ballantyne <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have two classes, a Parent and a Child. (See below for code) The
> Parent class contains a reference to a Child instance. However when I
> try and save a Parent instance I get the following error: Cannot have
> a java.lang.Long primary key and be a child object.
> The error is clear enough and upon searching around I have found the
> solution is to convert the primary key of my Child class to Key.
> However this just does not sit well with me that I have to modify my
> domain classes with proprietary google classes to suit the datastore.
> Is there no other way to do this without resorting to custom APIs at
> the domain level? Or is this a limitation of JDO and I need to do a
> bit more research?
> Cheers,
> Carl.
> @PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION)
> public class Parent {
>         @PrimaryKey
>     @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
>         private Long id;
>         @Persistent
>         private String name;
>         @Persistent
>         private Child child;
>         public Long getId() {
>                 return id;
>         }
>         public void setId(Long id) {
>        = id;
>         }
>         public String getName() {
>                 return name;
>         }
>         public void setName(String name) {
>        = name;
>         }
>         public Child getChild() {
>                 return child;
>         }
>         public void setChild(Child child) {
>                 this.child = child;
>         }
> }
> @PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION)
> public class Child {
>         @PrimaryKey
>     @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
>         private Long id;
>         @Persistent
>         private String name;
>         public Long getId() {
>                 return id;
>         }
>         public void setId(Long id) {
>        = id;
>         }
>         public String getName() {
>                 return name;
>         }
>         public void setName(String name) {
>        = name;
>         }
> }
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