Prior to version 2.01 I was able to get testing to work with other
queues by the following code:

                LocalTaskQueue ltq = 

        LocalServiceContext ctx = new LocalServiceContext() {
            public File getAppDir() {
                        Logger.getAnonymousLogger().info("trying to run
                    File file = new File("war");
                    return file;

        HashMap<String,String> prop = new HashMap<String,String>();
        ltq.init(ctx, prop);

You had to tell it where to find the config file queue.xml.  Now after
upgrading and using

        private static LocalServiceTestHelper helper =
        new LocalServiceTestHelper(new LocalTaskQueueTestConfig());

along with: helper.setUp

I am getting the old testing errors of:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: The specified queue is unknown :

How do I get the Queue environment to recognize the queues in the
queue.xml file?

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