On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 1:06 PM, Ikai L (Google) <ika...@google.com> wrote:
> My point wasn't necessarily that it wasn't possible. makePersistentAll does
> use a batch write, and there are definitely sites that can do 12,000+ writes
> a second (and well above that), but I don't know of any that will attempt to
> do that in a single request. While it's an interesting thought exercise to
> see if BigTable can do it through App Engine's interface (hint: it can,
> globally, easily), I can't think of a single use case for a site to need to
> do this all the time and with the sub-second requirement. I think it's
> reasonable to ask why this design exists and why the requirements exist and
> rethink one or the other.

It does seem to be a pretty extreme case, but it's not all that far
fetched.  It's possible for a Facebook user to have 5,000 friends.
Perhaps a user wants to message all 5k of them.

I could actually use this right ability now.  I would like to add a
game mechanic which, when you score some points, you also credit a
portion of that to all of a user's friends.  Worst case scenario is a
5,000 element read followed by a 5,000 element write.  I'm probably
going to skip this mechanic for now because I can't afford it - even
with the average 200 or so friends.  If I want it badly enough, I may
ultimately need to move my scoring system offsite.


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