Okay, I see. In my case it is a List not a Set ... but I think that
really makes no difference.
What I think is strange is that you initialize the fields:
    @Persistent(defaultFetchGroup = "true", mappedBy = "_Parent")
    @Element(dependent = "true")
        private Set<Card> _Cards =  new HashSet<Card>();

maybe that causes the _Cards to be reinitialized when the Entity is
deserialized. Can you try to remove that?


On Mar 7, 2:19 pm, tempy <fay...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestion...
> I did try that exact code and sad to say it didn't help, just returned
> a 0-size collection.  I'm still trying to figure this out...
> On Mar 7, 10:58 am, Toby <toby.ro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello Mike,
> > have you tried touching them before you close the query?
> > I had similar problem and only solved it by calling the getter for the
> > owned collection before detaching the results.
> >  if (results.iterator().hasNext()) {
> >                     for (Product fp : results) {
> >                         //this is to force the collections to be detached
> >                         fp.getItems();
> >                     }
> >                     return pm.detachCopyAll(results);
> > ...
> > I found no better way to do that. I actually started managing
> > relationships by hand now because you have more control and more
> > performance especially if you do not always need the child
> > collections.
> > But maybe there is also a way to trigger that through an annotation.
> > Cheers,
> > Toby
> > On Mar 7, 1:46 am, tempy <fay...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I have the following 3-part owned relationship...
> > > Users, the root entity, have a collection of Decks, as such (I am not
> > > including the specific subclass of User as it doesn't seem to be
> > > relevant):
> > > @PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION)
> > > @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceStrategy.SUBCLASS_TABLE)
> > > public abstract class User {
> > >     @PrimaryKey
> > >     @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
> > >     protected Key _ID;
> > >     @Persistent
> > >     protected String _UniqueIdentifier;
> > >     @Persistent(defaultFetchGroup = "true", mappedBy = "_Owner")
> > >     @Element(dependent = "true")
> > >     protected Set<Deck> _Decks;
> > >         protected KleioUser()
> > >     {
> > >     }
> > > }
> > > Each Deck has a collection of Cards, as such:
> > > @PersistenceCapable
> > > public class Deck {
> > >     @PrimaryKey
> > >     @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
> > >     private Key _ID;
> > >     @Persistent
> > >     String _Name;
> > >     @Persistent(defaultFetchGroup = "true", mappedBy = "_Parent")
> > >     @Element(dependent = "true")
> > >         private Set<Card> _Cards =  new HashSet<Card>();
> > >     @Persistent
> > >         private Set<String> _Tags = new HashSet<String>();
> > >     @Persistent
> > >     private KleioUser _Owner;
> > > }
> > > And finally, each card:
> > > @PersistenceCapable
> > > public class Card {
> > >     @PrimaryKey
> > >     @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
> > >     private Key _ID;
> > >   �...@persistent
> > >     private Text _Question;
> > >     @Persistent
> > >     private Text _Answer;
> > >     @Persistent
> > >     private Deck _Parent;
> > > }
> > > I've only run this on the dev server.  When I create a new user and
> > > populate the corresponding decks and corresponding cards and then call
> > > pm.makepersistent(user), everything looks fine and I can see all the
> > > user, deck, and card entities in the development datastore.  However,
> > > when I try to retrieve a user with the following query:
> > >                 Query query = _pm.newQuery(SpecificUser.class);
> > >                 query.setFilter("_UniqueIdentifier == TheUser");
> > >                 query.declareParameters("String TheUser");
> > >             try {
> > >                         List<SpecificUser> results = 
> > > (List<SpecificUser>)query.execute(ID);
> > >                         if(results.size() == 0)
> > >                                 return null;
> > >                         else
> > >                                 return results.get(0);
> > >             } finally {
> > >                 query.closeAll();
> > >             }
> > > I get the user just fine, and all the user's corresponding decks.  But
> > > the decks have no cards.  "Touching" the deck's cards collection with
> > > a .size() method doesn't load the cards, just returns 0, nor does
> > > setting the cards to the default fetch group.  I also tried to set the
> > > pm's fetchplan to -1, but that didn't have the desired effect either.
> > > The weird thing is that if I persist the Deck without a parent user,
> > > then I will get the deck back, along with all its cards, with no
> > > problems.
> > > I've tried a lot of other things too and I'm starting to run low on
> > > ideas (and high on frustration), so any help would be appreciated.
> > > Thanks,
> > > Mike

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