Some of these quotas can be increased (500 req/s) via the billing issues form:

On Sun, Mar 7, 2010 at 12:55 PM, Jon Blower <> wrote:
> On closer inspection of my logs, it appears that I might be hitting my
> per-minute limits for read/write to the datastore, and possibly
> memcache.  Although I'm nowhere near the limit of 4800 calls/minute to
> the image manipulation API, I might well be hitting the 5 megabyte per
> minute limit for that service.  Apologies for my misunderstanding.
> If this is the case, what's the recommended way to deal with this?
> Should I make repeated requests to the quota-ed service (perhaps with
> an exponential backoff) until I get success?  This will increase the
> latency of my application, but I would prefer this to seeing requests
> fail.
> Thanks, Jon
> On Mar 5, 11:04 pm, Jon Blower <> wrote:
>> I haven't done anywhere near 14,000 image transforms in the entire
>> lifetime of the application (only 491 today for instance) so I don't
>> think this is the reason I'm getting the OverQuotaException for image
>> transforms.
>> I haven't noticed my Quota page showing "limited" for any quantity,
>> but haven't monitored this too closely.
>> I don't quite understand the way you've expressed the limits for
>> memcache - do you mean there's a write limit of 56 megabytes per
>> minute (and a read limit of 284 megabytes per minute)?  If so, I'm
>> pretty sure I'm nowhere near these limits either.  At the time of the
>> errors occurring I am reading and writing to/from memcache at a rate
>> of no more than 2MB/minute.
>> However, my application does nothing at all for hours or days, then I
>> perform tests every once in a while.  So these rates, whilst not high
>> in absolute terms, are unusual for my application.  Could this be
>> relevant?
>> Thanks, Jon
>> On 5 Mar, 21:57, "Ikai L (Google)" <> wrote:
>> > Is there any chance you're hitting per minute quotas?
>> >
>> > Image transforms have this quota, for instance:
>> > 14,000 transforms/minute
>> > Memcache has a limit of 56/mb of writes and 284/mb of reads.
>> > On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 1:49 PM, Jon Blower <> wrote:
>> > > Hi Ikai,
>> > > I'm afraid I don't have any unit test code easily available, but I
>> > > could make a code sample when I have a little more time.  In the
>> > > meantime I have some more information.  It's not just the memcache put
>> > > operation that fails in this way.  I've also seen similar failures of
>> > > other API operations like datastore get:
>> > >$OverQuotaException: The API
>> > > call datastore_v3.Get() required more quota than is available
>> > > and calling image transform operations (to convert PNG to JPEG):
>> > >$OverQuotaException: The API
>> > > call images.Transform() required more quota than is available
>> > > In all cases I'm well within my daily quota for my app.  During stress
>> > > testing (using JMeter and ramping up the client threads) I see a
>> > > consistent pattern of thirty or so successes, followed by thirty or so
>> > > failures (of memcache put, datastore get or image transform).  Then I
>> > > see successes again, then failures and so on.
>> > > My interpretation of these data is as follows:
>> > > 1) Stress test starts, all is well, all requests succeed for a while
>> > > 2) GAE monitors the number of API calls the application makes in a 10-
>> > > second sliding window.  (I'm guessing here.)
>> > > 3) After a while GAE detects that the app is calling the various APIs
>> > > at a rate above a certain limit.  So requests start failing.
>> > > 4) The failed requests take longer to process than successful ones.
>> > > So when failures start happening, the rate of calling the APIs goes
>> > > down.
>> > > 5) At some point the 10-second average (or whatever) dips below the
>> > > limit, so we get successes again.
>> > > 6) And so on... with successful requests the API calling rate goes up
>> > > above the limit and requests start failing.
>> > > These are complete guesses, but would seem to fit the pattern I
>> > > observe.  Is there likely to be any truth in this?
>> > > Thanks,
>> > > Jon
>> > > On 5 Mar, 19:40, "Ikai L (Google)" <> wrote:
>> > >> Jon, do you happen to have unit test code that reproduces this that I
>> > >> can plug in to an app? I'd like to reproduce this.
>> > >> On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Jon Blower <> wrote:
>> > >> > Hi,
>> > >> > I have a GAE-J application that involves requesting dynamically-
>> > >> > generated images.  The application has fairly high latency (~1s per
>> > >> > request).  I'm stress-testing the application using JMeter, hitting
>> > >> > GAE with four simultaneous threads, each looping through a fixed set
>> > >> > of requests.  I get a consistent pattern, in which the first twenty or
>> > >> > thirty requests succeed, then every subsequent request fails.  The
>> > >> > server log shows that the failures occur during a memcache put
>> > >> > operation:
>> > >> > " Policy
>> > >> > prevented put operation
>> > >> >        at 
>> > >> >
>> > >> > 165)"
>> > >> > If I stop the stress test for a couple of minutes, then restart it I
>> > >> > get the same pattern: success for the first 20-30 requests, then this
>> > >> > failure thereafter.  It's not the same requests that fail each time.
>> > >> > Also, the data I'm storing in the memcache is always 1MB or less.  My
>> > >> > memcache set policy is the default of SET_ALWAYS.
>> > >> > Is there some policy restricting the number of memcache puts I can do
>> > >> > per second perhaps?  Or is there a thread safety issue?
>> > >> > Here are a few more details about my application.  I have stored high-
>> > >> > resolution images in the persistent store by breaking them up into
>> > >> > chunks of size 1MB or less.  I have layered memcache above the
>> > >> > persistent store.  So I have code that looks like this:
>> > >> > public byte[] requestChunk(String chunkId) {
>> > >> >   byte[] chunk = searchMemcache(chunkId);
>> > >> >   if (chunk != null) return chunk;
>> > >> >   chunk = searchPersistentStore(chunkId);
>> > >> >   if (chunk != null) {
>> > >> >      putChunkInMemcache(chunkId, chunk);  // *** This is where the
>> > >> > errors come from! ***
>> > >> >      return chunk;
>> > >> >   }
>> > >> >   return null;
>> > >> > }
>> > >> > It's the putChunkInMemcache() method that fails during the stress
>> > >> > test.
>> > >> > Any guidance much appreciated!
>> > >> > Jon
>> > >> > --
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>> > >> --
>> > >> Ikai Lan
>> > >> Developer Programs Engineer, Google App 
>> > >> Engine|
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>> > --
>> > Ikai Lan
>> > Developer Programs Engineer, Google App 
>> > Engine|
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Ikai Lan
Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine |

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