On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 8:56 PM, John Patterson <jdpatter...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Again, it is not my intention to say this feature is inherently wrong
>> or bad - but that it's not the great revolution that you make it out
>> to be.  It comes with a cost which the Objectify developers are not
>> currently willing to pay.
> I don't blame you.  It was a lot of effort to get right and it works very
> elegantly without the need for bytecode enhancement or dynamic proxies.

Incidentally, this feature is actually quite easy to implement in
Objectify.  If we did, I suspect we would avoid any "magic" - you
would always get an uninitialized entity and the user would need to
refresh() it (or batch refresh() it).  There would be no cascades.

It really is instructive to follow how this feature (in the form of
proxies) evolved in Hibernate (and JPA).  It started out, much like
your Activation annotations, being a static configuration on the
entity classes.  The problem is, sometimes you want more data to come
back and sometimes you want less data to come back.  So they added
FETCH to the HQL/EJBQL/JPAQL language.  I expect you will re-discover
all of these issues.


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