Hi pman,
> but, i found new problem now with --
> (1) return {parents} based on a {child} property and a {parent}
> property?
You can use in-memory filter.

Query for children:

Gathering parent keys:

Batch get for parents:
List<Parent> parents = Datastore.get(Parent.class, keys);

In-memory filters for parents:
ParentMeta p = ParentMeta.get();
parents = Datastore.filterInMemory(parents, p.name.equal("SCOTT"),
p.salary.greaterThan(1000), ...);

> (2) sort the {parents}?
You can use in-memory sort.

parents = Datastore.sortInMemory(parents, p.salary.desc, p.name.asc, ...);

> (3) paging the result?
java.util.List#subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) may help you.

Hope this helps,

Yasuo Higa

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