I tried using "appcfg.py vacuum_index" again today and the indexes
were marked as deleting (or queued to be deleted?) in the admin
console. While this was happening, I tried to upload my application.
Uploading the indexes failed again with the same error. Reading the
first error message more carefully, it appears that I should have
waited until after the indexes were deleted completely before trying
to upload again. Now I'm stuck with two error indexes that I can't
delete. When I try to use vacuum_indexes, I don't get any errors, but
the indexes are still marked as "ERROR" in the admin console. What can
I do?

On a related note, what kind of support does Google provide for App
Engine? I noticed a lot of posts about broken indexes in the main App
Engine group and sometimes a Google employee would respond directly in
the group asking for the App ID so they could investigate the problem.
There isn't a way to open a support ticket for your app? It seems like
there are some problems with indexes that are impossible for users to
solve themselves and posting for help on the forum hoping that a
Google employee will respond doesn't seem very professional... BUT if
someone from Google is reading this my app is vagabooks, and can you
please delete my indexes? :)


On May 5, 8:50 pm, Ben Gerdemann <gerd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Today I uploaded the first version of my application and got on a
> message about indexes with errors that suggested that I need to vacuum
> them. Strange because my data store is completely empty and I've never
> uploaded anything before...
> Anyway, I'm using Java so I had to download the Python API and install
> Python (what a pain!) following the instructions 
> athttp://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine-java/browse_thread/th...
> to create a fake app.yaml. And after all this, I still can't vacuum my
> indexes. appcfg.py found the two indexes with errors, but wouldn't
> erase them. Here's my error message:
> Are you sure you want to delete this index? (N/y/a): y
> Deleting selected index definitions.
> Error 400: --- begin server output ---
> Deleting a composite index failed: ApplicationError: 1
> --- end server output ---
> Is there something wrong with GAE today. Can someone at Google help?
> My App ID is vagabooks
> Cheers,
> Ben
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