If you are not required to use JDO consider one of the GAE specific persistence libraries. Both Twig and Objectify support embedding collections of entities in a single "container" entity which gives the ability to query using properties of the container or the contained.

I believe Twig is the only one that allows embedded items to be polymorphic. For example:

class Farm
        String city;
        @Embed(polymorphic=true) List<Animal> animals;

class Goat implements Animal
        int horns;

class Pig implements Animal
        String favouriteFood;

then you can query for all farms in Wellington with a Pig that likes cream buns

        .addFilter("city", EQUAL, "Wellington")
        .addFilter("animals.favouriteFood", EQUAL, "Cream buns")

On 22 Jun 2010, at 09:17, Hariharan Anantharaman wrote:

As per documentation, JDO does not support join queries over parent and child entities(tables) in datastore. Are there any work arounds to achieve the same? Is this possible with JPA?


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