The link to generate login URL is different for apps accounts

String appsLoginUrl = userService.getOpenIdLoginUrl(redirectTo,
""; +
loginDomain, attributesRequest);

loginDomain is obviously your domain, in your case the URL is


On Jul 15, 11:29 pm, Daniel Pascariu <>
> Hi,
> I'm trying to enable SSO for my App Engine app in order to put it on
> the Google Marketplace.
> Let's say that I have my GAE app running When I
> publish it to the Google Marketplace, a Google Apps user (say
> will be able to click on a link in the Google menu
> pointing to my site - something like 
> this:
> Now, acording to this docu (
> users/overview.html) I should use the Users API to authenticate the
> user.
> I assume I have to use  userService.createLoginURL method somehow and
> use the domain "" (which is passed as a parameter to my /
> home servlet).
> I have tried something like this:
> Set<String> attributesRequest = new HashSet<String>();
> attributesRequest.add("openid.mode=checkid_immediate");
> attributesRequest.add("openid.ns=";);
> attributesRequest.add("openid.return_to=" + thisUrl);
> userService.createLoginURL(thisUrl, "", 
> "";, attributesRequest);
> The probem is that the login URL which I get works for google accounts
> only (like gmail accounts) - I do not get any Google Apps page where a
> user like could login :(
> Does anybody know how I can get this working ? Or am I on the wrong
> track ?
> Many thanks for the help !!
> Daniel

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