Note: I only wish to do this during development in Eclipse; I do not
need it in production on GAE.

I want to use my existing apache + mod_jk frontend to direct some of
its traffic to my development environment. My apache frontend has a
real SSL certificate, and I am debugging some code for an external API
which requires handling POSTs via HTTPS.

This technique worked great when I previously used tomcat. But now I'm
targeting GAE. I've read that Jetty can speak AJP too, I just need to
configure it. Looks like I just need to enable a
"org.mortbay.http.ajp.AJP13Listener" and supply a port number. (What
they did here implies this is possible:

But for the life of me I cannot find the levers and buttons exposed
anywhere to configure GAE's Jetty in Eclipse. Not even a jetty.xml
file. So I had hoped to simply add some command line args to the
"Arguments" tab in the Run Configurations window for my app.

Any insights? Or point me to the right bits of GAE code that I can

I am running eclipse 3.5 with Google plugin 1.3.3, GAE SDK 1.3.5, (and
GWT 2.0.4)


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