Apparently reaching out for help brought positive karma, somehow.
My solution, more of a finding, was one I tried but suddenly appears
to work.
Instead of redirecting from my LoginController to the main menu
controller/jsp (e.g. using return "redirect:/secure/menu") I instead
forward to the jsp directly. The URL does not change to reflect the '/
secure/main-menu' but the JSP loads. More than good enough for me.
Any ideas on what possibly went wrong will be more than appreciated.

On Aug 25, 10:48 am, yuvalz <> wrote:
> I am using Spring MVC in my GAE application.
> It appears to work very well in the classic form processing use case,
> but the following scenario stumps me and would love to get ideas and
> opinions on how to approach it:
> I set up my own user authentication system and created several users
> that exist in the datastore. The application is able to read them
> successfully, locally and on GAE.
> My views are stored in a 'standard' Spring file structure of /WEB-INF/
> views and with a resolver set up as
> <bean
> class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver">
>                 <property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/views/"/>
>                 <property name="suffix" value=".jsp"/>
>         </bean>
> To ensure users are authenticated, I set up a Spring Interceptor (akin
> to a Filter), which checks whether users have authenticated by looking
> at the HTTP Session for their user id (typed Long). The interceptor is
> applied on requests coming to any URL starting with /secure/**. It
> appears to work successfully as well as it redirects requests that
> have no id in their session back to the login page. This works on GAE
> as well.
> I created a login view, bound to a controller, taking the user's email
> and password. Based on logs, it appears to work as well. Where the
> problem lies, is in the next step. After successfully authenticating,
> I redirect users to the main menu of the application, and that's where
> things break and I get a 404 error.  All of this works fine in the
> local SDK. Then you deploy to GAE and the login functionality
> encounters issues.
> I tried all of the following to exactly the same result, a 404 error:
> 1. Since the menu is a plain jsp requiring no controller, I user
> <mvc:view-controller path="/secure/menu" view-name="/secure/menu"/>
> where the jsp file is located at /WEB-INF/views/secure/menu.jsp
> I receive a 404 error
> 2. Created a @Controller for the main menu, mapped to "/secure/main-
> menu". The controller virtually does nothing, except log it received
> the request. It then forwards the request to /secure/menu - and still
> a 404 error.
> 3. I tried to have the @Controller redirect to /secure/menu - 404
> error.
> This called for a more extreme measure which ended up working:
> To check whether the JSP is indeed around the WAR file, I tried
> loading it using
> ServletContext ctx = req.getSession().getServletContext();
> ctx.getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/views/secure/menu.jsp");
> The file loaded (avoiding full code), and if I output the text of the
> file to the screen (using the @ResponseBody annotation) I shows up. So
> in essence, the file is available, but for some reason Spring on GAE
> is unable to find it.
> I am using the URL Rewrite filter (
> urlrewritefilter/) which appears to work successfully. I suspected
> that the fact that following the initial login GAE uses
> the ...;jsessionid=.... URL parameter and that causes the URL Rewrite
> to fail, but my logs and tests show that my @Controller receives the
> request.
> What stumps me is why is the JSP file not being found or loaded? Why
> am I getting the same 404 error on GAE?
> As I said, it all works perfectly fine on my local SDK environment.
> Thanks for any hints or ideas.

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