Thanks for the info. I looked at the issue and many other people
having problem of saving child object in a one-to-many relation. I am
new to this and I don't understand completely. Is there any work-
around to save a child object. If anyone can show me an example, I
appreciate. This is really frustrating as this is basic functionality
in any relational data. In my case, Employee object already exists and
I want to create a new appointment and associate with the employee
object. If there is a different way of doing this, please help. This
has taken quite a lot of time and if this is not available in GWT, I
don't think I can use Google apps for the development of our
application. I appreciate any help.


On Aug 27, 1:51 am, Frederik Pfisterer <> wrote:
> Your problem seems to be related to this open gwt 
> issue:
> Please star the issue to raise its attention. The workaround is not
> using 1:n relationships with GWT + GAE + JDO.
> Cheers,
> Fred
> On 26 Aug., 23:12, hampole <> wrote:
> > I am trying to develop GAE application. I am using the latest GWT
> > SDK(2.0.4) AND App Engine SDK(1.3.6) on Eclipse3.4. I am having
> > problem insavinga childobject"Appointment" and the parentobject
> > is "Employee". Each Employee has many appointments and and each
> > appointment has one employee associated with. I have pasted the Client
> > code and the server code here. Please help and see what I am missing
> > here. I tried many different ways without success. When I retrieve the
> > appointments, the employee is always null. I appreciate any help or
> > some example that I can try. Thanks.
> > //Client code
> > public class AppointmentCreateWidget extends Composite {
> >         private static AppointmentCreateWidgetUiBinder uiBinder = GWT
> >                         .create(AppointmentCreateWidgetUiBinder.class);
> >         interface AppointmentCreateWidgetUiBinder extends
> >                         UiBinder<Widget, AppointmentCreateWidget> {
> >         }
> >         @UiField Button btnSaveAppointment;
> >         @UiField TextBox tbxSubject;
> >         @UiField ListBox lbxRoom;
> >         @UiField ListBox lbxHost;
> >         @UiField DateBox dbAppointStartDate;
> >         @UiField DateBox dbAppointEndDate;
> >         @UiField ListBox lbxStartTimeHr;
> >         @UiField ListBox lbxEndTimeHr;
> >         @UiField ListBox lbxStartTimeMi;
> >         @UiField ListBox lbxEndTimeMi;
> >         private final AppointmentServiceAsync appointService =
> > (AppointmentServiceAsync) GWT.create(AppointmentService.class);
> >     private final List<Visitor> visitors = new ArrayList<Visitor>();
> >         public AppointmentCreateWidget() {
> >                 initWidget(uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this))
> >     }
> >         @UiHandler("btnSaveAppointment")
> >         void onClick(ClickEvent e) {
> >                 addAppointment();
> >         }
> >     private void addAppointment() {
> >             String subject = tbxSubject.getText().toUpperCase().trim();
> >             Date startdate = dbAppointStartDate.getValue();
> >             Date enddate = dbAppointEndDate.getValue();
> >             String starttime =
> > lbxStartTimeHr.getValue(lbxStartTimeHr.getSelectedIndex()).toString()
> > +
> >                 lbxStartTimeMi.getValue(lbxStartTimeMi.getSelectedIndex());
> >             String endtime =
> > lbxEndTimeHr.getValue(lbxEndTimeHr.getSelectedIndex()).toString() +
> >                 lbxEndTimeMi.getValue(lbxEndTimeMi.getSelectedIndex());
> >             String room =
> > lbxRoom.getValue(lbxRoom.getSelectedIndex()).toString();
> >             String key = lbxHost.getValue(lbxHost.getSelectedIndex());
> >             DateTimeFormat dateFormat = DateTimeFormat.getShortDateFormat();
> >             try {
> >                     createAppointment(subject, startdate, enddate, 
> > starttime,
> > endtime, key, visitors);
> >             }
> >             catch(Exception ex) {
> >                 Window.alert("Save Appointment failed: " + ex.toString());
> >             }
> >         }
> >         private void createAppointment(String subject, Date startdate, Date
> > enddate, String starttime, String endtime, String empID, List<Visitor>
> > visitor) {
> >             appointService.addAppointment(subject,startdate, enddate,
> > starttime, endtime, empID, visitor, new AsyncCallback<Void>() {
> >               public void onFailure(Throwable error) {
> >                         Window.alert("Unable to create Appointment." +
> > error.getMessage());
> >               }
> >               public void onSuccess(Void ignore) {
> >               }
> >             });
> >         }
> > }
> > //ServiceImpl
> > public class AppointmentServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet
> > implements AppointmentService {
> >   /**
> >          *
> >          */
> >   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
> >   public void addAppointment(String subject, Date appointStartDate,
> > Date appointEndDate, String startTime, String endTime, String empID,
> > List<Visitor> visitors) throws NotLoggedInException {
> >     PersistenceManager pm = getPersistenceManager();
> >         //get employee
> >         Employee emp = pm.getObjectById(Employee.class, empID);
> >     Appointment newAppoint = new Appointment(subject,
> > appointStartDate, appointEndDate, startTime, endTime);
> >     newAppoint.setVisitors(visitors);
> >     newAppoint.setEmployee(emp);
> >         emp.getAppointments().add(newAppoint);
> >         try {
> >       pm.makePersistent(emp);
> >     } finally {
> >       pm.close();
> >     }
> >   }
> >   private PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager() {
> >     return PMF.get().getPersistenceManager();
> >   }
> > }
> > //Employee Bean
> > @PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION,
> > detachable = "true")
> > public class Employee implements IsSerializable, IValidatable {
> >   @PrimaryKey
> >   @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
> >   @Extension(vendorName="datanucleus", key="gae.encoded-pk",
> > value="true")
> >   private String employeeKey;
> >   @NotEmpty(message="You must specify First Name")
> >   @Length(minimum=3)
> >   @Persistent
> >   private String firstName;
> >   @NotEmpty(message="You must specify Last Name")
> >   @Length(minimum=3)
> >   @Persistent
> >   private String lastName;
> >   @Persistent
> >   private String title;
> >   @NotEmpty(message="You must specify Email Address")
> >   @Length(minimum=3)
> >   @Persistent
> >   private String email;
> >   @Persistent
> >   private String department;
> >   @Persistent
> >   private String phone;
> >   @Persistent
> >   private String extension;
> >   @Persistent
> >   private String companyName;
> >   @Persistent(mappedBy = "employee")
> >   @Element(dependent = "true")
> >   private List<Appointment> appointments;
> >   public Employee(String firstName, String lastName, String title,
> > String email,
> >                   String phone, String extension, String department, String
> > companyName) {
> >     this();
> >     this.firstName = firstName;
> >     this.lastName = lastName;
> >     this.title = title;
> > = email;
> >     this.department = department;
> > = phone;
> >     this.extension = extension;
> >     this.companyName = companyName;
> >   }
> >   //getters and setters
> > }
> > //Appointment Bean
> > @PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION,
> > detachable = "true")
> > public class Appointment implements IsSerializable, IValidatable {
> >         @PrimaryKey
> >         @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
> >         @Extension(vendorName="datanucleus", key="gae.encoded-pk",
> > value="true")
> >     private String appointKey;
> >         @Persistent
> >         private String subject;
> >         @NotEmpty(message="You must specify Start Time")
> >         @Persistent
> >         private String startTime;
> >         @NotEmpty(message="You must specify End Time")
> >         @Persistent
> >         private String endTime;
> >         @NotEmpty(message="You must specify Start Date")
> >         @Persistent
> >         private Date appointmentStartDate;
> >         @NotEmpty(message="You must specify End Date")
> >         @Persistent
> >         private Date appointmentEndDate;
> >         @Persistent
> >         private Employee employee;
> >         @Persistent
> >         private List<Visitor> visitors = new ArrayList<Visitor>();
> >         public Appointment(String subject, Date appointStartDate, Date
> > appointEndDate, String startTime, String endTime, Employee employee,
> > List<Visitor> visitors)
> >         {
> >                 this();
> >                 this.subject = subject;
> >                 this.startTime = startTime;
> >                 this.endTime = endTime;
> >                 this.appointmentStartDate = appointStartDate;
> >                 this.appointmentEndDate = appointEndDate;
> >                 this.employee = employee;
> >                 this.visitors = visitors;
> >         }
> >         //getters and setters
> > }

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