I'm looking to tighten up some of my server-side code, but I'm having
trouble properly establishing the relationship between entities.
Before, I was using unencoded Strings as keys, but after reading the
documentation here, I've changed them to encoded app-generated

I have two Entities, Trucks and Tweeters. What I'd like is an
accessible Tweeter inside every Truck. Every truck has to have a
Tweeter associated with it (there may be many Trucks with the same
Tweeter), but a Tweeter may have no Trucks. Thus, the Tweeter should
be the parent, and the Truck the child. I'm having lots of trouble
persisting the classes in the datastore and I'm hoping someone can
look over how I created the classes and detect my errors. Currently im
getting a javax.jdo.JDOUserException. When I try to persist a Truck
object. Here's the relevant portion of my child class, Truck:

@Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
@Extension(vendorName="datanucleus", key="gae.encoded-pk",
private String key;
@Persistent(defaultFetchGroup = "true")
private Tweeter tweeter;
and the parent, Tweeter:

@Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
@Extension(vendorName="datanucleus", key="gae.encoded-pk",
private String key;
I never set any of the keys anywhere, and based on the logs, the keys
are being set as they should be. I think there must be a critical
misunderstanding of the relationship on my part thats leading me to
see an error regardless of what I try. I know I can use
com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Key, but my classes are also used
client-side by GWT, so I can't import the Key class from the GAE

Thanks so much for the help!

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