Be sure your "update User4" method does not involve operations on the
other user objects.

Sometimes relations between objects are hidden in the model, i.e.
maybe you have something like a key for the other users in User4 (I'm
thinking about a "friends list" or similar things implemented).
In this case if you perform operations on those entities you may get
the error message.


On Sep 27, 7:46 am, Yousuf Haider <> wrote:
> First off I know that you can't operate on entities in different entity
> groups within the same transaction. My question is around a problem I am
> having where I am querying for certain entities (each in a different entity
> group) outside a txn and then I start a txn where I operate on an entity in
> a different entity group.
> In my model I have a root entity called User. So each instance of User will
> be in a different entity group.
> Here is what I am doing in pseudo-code:
> *Request comes in
> Create EntityManager
> Execute a JPA query using this EntityManager to retrieve the keys for all
> User entities satisfying a particular criteria (say we got UserKey1,
> UserKey2, UserKey3 back)
> Using EntityManager Start a txn
>   Retrieve User with id : UserKey4 (notice this is different from the ones
> we retrieved above)
>   Update this User object.
> Commit txn                         <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Intermittently
> fails here
> Close EntityManager
> Return response
> *
> Notice here that the initial query is not part of the transaction that is
> subsequently created.* Inside that transaction only a single entity group is
> operated upon* (the Entity group for User object UserKey4).
> The first time the request goes in (after a server start) this code
> intermittently fails. Every subsequent request fails pretty consistently.
> The exception occurs at the commit with the infamous: "can't operate on
> multiple entity groups" exception. The 2 entities listed in the exception
> are the following:
> 1. the UserKey4
> 2. One of the User objects whose keys were returned in the initial query.
> This is really weird since within the txn I am operating on a single entity
> group. If my understanding is correct I should be able to do this.
> The only rational reason why this is happening might be that even querying
> for objects outside a txn and any subsequent txn should deal with entities
> in the same entity group. Is that the case or am I missing something here ?
> I have not been able to find a definite answer to this in the documentation
> so thought I'd try the mailing list.
> Thanks
> Yousuf

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