I've been working on a challenge over the past couple of days and I
could really use a knowledge transfer on App Engine, Domains and IP
addresses. I seem to be missing something.

I'm trying to write a library for Arduino Micro-controllers to do HTTP
Posts to a servlet hosted on appengine. For example The URL of the
servlet is


Do to limitations on the Arduino device, i need to get an IP Address
that will resolve to nimbits1.appspot.com first, before doing my post
to /service/currentvalue?point=test&format=json

I have the C code to request an IP from DNS of a domain which works
without a problem. So far so good. My problem is my requests seem to
hit a brick wall when I try to use the IP instead of the Domain in my

Let's say I ping nimbits1.appspot.com - I get or back from the DNS Server. This takes me to Google
servers, but not my app. I'm guessing that the server want the
subdomain in the request but i'm not provided one.

I registered a new domain: nimbits.org on godaddy and followed Nick
Johnson's fine tutorial on mapping naked domains to have nimbits.org
redirect to nimbits1.appspot.com (As a permanent redirect without


if i navigate to http://nimbits.org  I redirect ok to 

Further, if i do a wget in a linux terminal I can see the IP's i'm
resolving to:

benja...@ben-ubws01:~$ wget nimbits.org
--2010-10-09 12:20:43--  http://nimbits.org/
Resolving nimbits.org...
Connecting to nimbits.org||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
Location: http://nimbits1.appspot.com [following]
--2010-10-09 12:20:44--  http://nimbits1.appspot.com/
Resolving nimbits1.appspot.com...
Connecting to nimbits1.appspot.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/html]
Saving to: `index.html.10'

    [ <=>                                   ] 3,376       --.-K/s   in

2010-10-09 12:20:44 (1.18 MB/s) - `index.html.10' saved [3376]

If i try and navigate to any of the above IP Addresses i.e
I endup on google or godaddy, but not my app.

Any help would be greatly appriciated. I may have to resort to having
users point their arduino to an internal web server that can forward
the request, but having arduino devices post directly to app engine
would be very cool.


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