In my application I use memcache to store some data for a subsequent
request (usually issued within 10-20 seconds after the initial
caching) that needs to respond as quickly as possible. Any delay
greatly hurts the user experience as it results in a significant pause
in an automated phone call while the the required data is rebuilt.

I've got three app deployments with the same code base (at least the
same in any way AFAICT that could matter for this). It seems that in
two that I have redeployed since 1.4.0 came out
(cliniconexdev,cliniconextest), the subsequent request consistently
doesn't find the cached entry. In the version that hasn't been
redeployed since 1.4.0 (cliniconexapp) the entry is found 100% of the

On the development server, the caching still works fine and I get a
hit every time.

When I cache the data I have an immediate retrieval in the same thread
that verifies that it is infact there, and in all cases it is found
fine at that point. But for the two app instances with the problem, by
the followup web request it appears to be gone from, or not yet
available in, the cache.

Traffic is light ATM on all app instances and memcache quotas are
barely touched. I have billing and reserved instances enabled on all
three which is really the only change I've made since 1.4.0 came out.

Anyone else seen this or have any ideas? The only thing I can think of
is that maybe new memcache entries aren't available to all jvm
instances within that 10-20 seconds and I'm seeing it now because I
have multiple reserved instances (at least on apps deployed since
1.4.0). If I can get that behavior confirmed I'll have to figure out
how to work around it.

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