Another drawback for using Task Queue is its limitation. Max number of
active queues is 100. Max invocations per second per queue is 50. So
Max jobs per second 100*50 = 500. If my app has 10000 users and for
every one I need a transaction -> so it is not enough resources to
accomplish that.
I have also read about an existence of distributed transacions:
It seems it is very hard to implement and there is not any robust java
lib for that.
So now my choice is to use 'deferred completion' approach described
For rolling forward I don't want to use a queue or the cron because of
their limitations. I prefer to make rolling forward failed transaction
just during a user request. Thus I can get round limitations and
synchronization issues: e.g. a queue hasn't rolled forward failed
transaction but my app needs to do some work based on a failed

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