I'm using Google Application Project and what I want to do is create a text 
box and button. whatever the user enters in the box, it would reference a 
website for information like wiki or bing or yahoo or whatever. I managed to 
create the panel via google widgets so I can enter whatever and it'd print 
via system.out.println. On a Java project I can obtain html page source via 
java url as shown below:
URL urlsearch = new URL("http://www.bing.com/search?q=lion";);        
         BufferedReader buffreader = new BufferedReader(new 
         String HTMLdisplay;
         while ((HTMLdisplay = buffreader.readLine()) != null) {

What I can't do is have them together. It compiles fine so no errors show on 
Eclipse Console but when I run via Development tab I get a variety of errors 
saying "The import java.net cannot be resolved" and "URL cannot be resolved 
to a type."

I know there are google functions along with API keys such as 
google.search.SearchControl leading to google.search.WebSearch(). There is 
also Custom Search engine provided by google (http://www.google.com/cse). 
I've found things from code.google that I can query their search engine and 
return results but nothing to allow me to grab the page source like Java URL 
and php get_file_contents.

Does anyone know why I am not able to use Java URL on my Google Web 
Application project but it runs fine on a normal Java Project?

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