Thanks for the reply Moishe. This helps at least now i know i am going in
right direction.

On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 2:42 PM, Moishe <> wrote:

> > My question:
> > 1) Is it the right way to distribute the message to each client. My app
> > requirment is that everybody(online user) should receive the same
> message(i
> > hope for some time my clients wont reach more then 8000 clients and then
> i
> > can enable the billing)
> This is a reasonable way, yes.
> > 2) how do i go ahead and do the load testing, connect  8000 clients.
> Could you use VMs? Maybe a bunch of Ubuntu instances running Chrome or
> something on EC2?
> > 3) I am removing the tokens for all client which are being closed or
> going
> > to other pages and i wont send any message to them in future, but is the
> > Channel API connection is still alive on server, means if 8000 clients
> > connected and 7000 closed the browser and my closeConnection function
> called
> > properly then i will have only 1000 LiveChannels, so will i be able to
> make
> > more connections or i need to wait for 2 hours when 7000 connections will
> > expire/timeout
> No, the way the quota works is that you can only call createChannel
> 8000 times in 2 hours. We're working on improved quotas for channels
> now though.
> > 4) Is this design efficient to handle large number of clients 50000+ and
> if
> > not how can we achieve it.
> This is currently the best way to handle lots of clients with the
> channel API.
> Thanks-
> -Moishe
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