It appears so far that numeric sorting on a double doesn't work yet. I am 
probably doing something wrong. I wondering what kind of cost you get when 
sorting numerically on GAE? I am thinking to moving the index to bytes, and 
sort by byte (string).

Anybody sort a double?

  private double index;

  private String query(FileByteData fbd) {
    String base64 = null;
    DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
    try {
      Query q = new Query("BlobTmpJdo");
      q.addFilter("key", FilterOperator.EQUAL, fbd.getKey());
      PreparedQuery e = datastore.prepare(q);
      Iterator<Entity> itr = e.asIterator();
      while (itr.hasNext()) {
        if (base64 == null) {
          base64 = "";
        Entity entity =;
        base64 += entity.getProperty("base64");"query(): index=" + entity.getProperty("index") + " base64=" + 
    } catch (Exception e) { 
      log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e);
    return base64;

query(): index=45.0 base64=null
query(): index=45.01 base64=null
query(): index=45.02 base64=null
query(): index=45.03 base64=null
query(): index=45.04 base64=null
query(): index=45.05 base64=null
query(): index=45.06 base64=null
query(): index=45.07 base64=null
query(): index=45.08 base64=null
query(): index=45.09 base64=null
query(): index=45.1 base64=null
query(): index=45.11 base64=null
query(): index=45.12 base64=null
query(): index=45.13 base64=null
query(): index=45.14 base64=null
query(): index=45.15 base64=null
query(): index=45.16 base64=null
query(): index=45.17 base64=null
query(): index=45.18 base64=null
query(): index=45.19 base64=null
query(): index=45.2 base64=null
query(): index=45.21 base64=null
query(): index=45.22 base64=null

Brandon Donnelson

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