
I had some time to try this again, but I still have no success.

I have an ActionBean with @UrlBinding("/home"). The @DefaultHandler method 
ForwardResolutions to index.jsp which only prints "Hello":

public Resolution home() {
  return new ForwardResolution("index.jsp"); // Also tried "/index.jsp"

In dev environment I access my app via http://localhost:8888/index.jsp and 
http://localhost:8888/home. Both print "Hello". That is, it works perfectly.

After I have deployed my app on appengine I access the application via 
http://<myapp>.appspot.com/index.jsp. This prints "Hello", but when I access 
my app via http://<myapp>.appspot.com/home I get an infinite redirect loop. 
I checked the app engine logs:


I consider this more an app engine issue than Stripes issue because 
everything works locally but not in app engine. Stripes uses a servlet 
filter to handle the UrlBindings. The filter javadocs states:

This filter takes the following approach to determining when to dispatch an 

   1. Allow the request to process normally, trapping any HTTP errors that 
   are returned.
   2. If no error was returned then do nothing, allowing the request to 
   complete successfully. If any error other than 404 was returned then send 
   the error through. Otherwise ...
   3. Check the 
 see if an 
 mapped to the URL. If not, then send the 
   404 error through. Otherwise...
   4. Invoke 

So it expects a 404. This all seems like the app engine doesn't like this 
behaviour, thus the infinte redirect loop.

I have tried to clean my configuration as much as possible:
- I only define the DynamicMappingFilter in my web.xml. No StripesFilter 
anymore. According to the Stripes documentation this is perfectly ok. 
- I also had Guice stuff in my web.xml but I removed them as well. 
- I also configured Stripes to use my own empty implementation of the 

I am running out of ideas. Would be nice if could be confirmed that this 
error indeed is reproducable and not just my misconfiguration.

Pauli Savolainen

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