On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 4:08 AM, Francois Masurel <f.masu...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hey Googlers,
> Do you know why we get these DeadlineExceededException when Jetty's trying
> to load session data from the datastore ?
> It looks like a bug as there is only Google App Engine code being executed
> here (see stacktrace below).
> Any given entity in the datastore may be unavailable periodically, so this
doesn't necessarily indicate a bug unless it occurs frequently.  However,
the High Replication datastore is far less sensitive to unavailability in
any given data center so I would strongly recommend that you switch to it if
you're sensitive to datastore latency outliers.

> And (still haven't got an answer about that) why does it have to kill and
> restart the instance when such exceptions occurs ?  Doesn't seem to be
> optimal in threadsafe mode.
Yes, it is sub-optimal, but as we are currently using Thread.stop() it is
really unsafe to continue using the same Java VM for subsequent requests.
 We're considering having an additional deadline mechanism, perhaps based on
Thread.interrupt(), which you could opt into that would let us avoid this.
 Feel free to file a bug about that if you're uncomfortable with the current
level of JVM shutdowns for your application.

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