Hi all,

I've got an issue with a property with type ArrayList<String>.

Let's suppose I've got a class like this:

@PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION,
detachable = "true")
public class CommContact implements Serializable {
    @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
    protected Long idCont;

        protected ArrayList<String> tags;

     // other properties....

And another class DBContact that extends CommContact, like this:
@PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION,
detachable = "true")
public class DBContact extends CommContact {
// some other properties...

Now, let's suppose that I do a query on datastore and I retrieve a
DBContact object. Sometimes (I cannot understand which is the pattern
for this issue...) the property "tags" is not correctly valued,
resulting in an empty array (but if I go to the DataViewer, I can
actually see that on the datastore some tags exist for this DBContact

What am I missing?

I really cannot understand why sometimes it works and sometimes not...

Thank you very much!


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