I did as you said in 1 --> did nothing

after I did as you said in 2   --> the logs started to appear in my
development eclipse console (*which is really great! , thx , although
only warning and above logs :()

did as you said in 3, but did not helped :(

i tired this
.level = WARNING
dr.todo.beans.[...].level = FINE

and this
.level = WARNING
dr.[...].level = FINE

here an example from the code and the output from the logs

System.err.println("Inside HoursReportBean Constructor
eerrrrrrrrrrrrrr b4");
log.fine("*Inside HoursReportBean Constructor"+":"+new Date());
log.info("*Inside HoursReportBean Constructor"+":"+new Date());
log.warning("**Inside HoursReportBean Constructor"+":"+new Date());
log.severe("**Inside HoursReportBean Constructor"+":"+new Date());
System.err.println("Inside HoursReportBean Constructor
eerrrrrrrrrrrrrr after");

in logs i see the following:

2011-06-11 00:58:06.446

[vedmack/1.351054244259633422].<stderr>: Inside HoursReportBean
Constructor eerrrrrrrrrrrrrr b4

W 2011-06-11 00:58:06.449

dr.todo.beans.HoursReportBean <init>: **Inside HoursReportBean
Constructor:Sat Jun 11 07:58:06 UTC 2011

E 2011-06-11 00:58:06.450

dr.todo.beans.HoursReportBean <init>: **Inside HoursReportBean
Constructor:Sat Jun 11 07:58:06 UTC 2011

W 2011-06-11 00:58:06.450

[vedmack/1.351054244259633422].<stderr>: Inside HoursReportBean
Constructor eerrrrrrrrrrrrrr after

4) its already with lower cases,,,,

On Jun 10, 11:43 pm, Ian Marshall <ianmarshall...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1.  Have a look 
> athttp://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine-java/browse_thread/th...
> for a hint about your "appengine-web.xml" file.
> 2.  I place my "logging.properties" file in
>   /WEB-INF/classes
> Why? I cannot remember, but this worked for me.
> 3.  Your "logging.properties" file uses its default level, for your
> own classes, of
>   # Set the default logging level for all loggers
>   .level = WARNING
> I use
>   # Set the default logging level for all loggers
>   .level = WARNING
>   com.my.app.[...].level = FINE
> This then allows my log message of level FINE or more severe to be
> recorded.
> 4. Case sensitivity: I recall (perhaps wrongly) that
> "logging.properties" will work whereas "Logging.properties" will not.
> Does any of this help?
> On Jun 10, 8:33 pm, Daniel <vedm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > this is the content of the logging.properties file (I have never
> > touched it)
> > # A default java.util.logging configuration.
> > # (All App Engine logging is through java.util.logging by default).
> > #
> > # To use this configuration, copy it into your application's WEB-INF
> > # folder and add the following to your appengine-web.xml:
> > #
> > # <system-properties>
> > #   <property name="java.util.logging.config.file" value="WEB-INF/
> > logging.properties"/>
> > # </system-properties>
> > #
> > # Set the default logging level for all loggers to WARNING
> > .level = WARNING
> > # Set the default logging level for ORM, specifically, to WARNING
> > DataNucleus.JDO.level=WARNING
> > DataNucleus.Persistence.level=WARNING
> > DataNucleus.Cache.level=WARNING
> > DataNucleus.MetaData.level=WARNING
> > DataNucleus.General.level=WARNING
> > DataNucleus.Utility.level=WARNING
> > DataNucleus.Transaction.level=WARNING
> > DataNucleus.Datastore.level=WARNING
> > DataNucleus.ClassLoading.level=WARNING
> > DataNucleus.Plugin.level=WARNING
> > DataNucleus.ValueGeneration.level=WARNING
> > DataNucleus.Enhancer.level=WARNING
> > DataNucleus.SchemaTool.level=WARNING
> > and I have only 1 copy of it, and it was never moved, in WEB-INF
> > any ideas?
> > On Jun 9, 11:31 am, Ian Marshall <ianmarshall...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > A few trouble-shooting questions:
> > >   ·  What's in your "logging.properties" file?
> > >   ·  Where is this file? Has it moved recently? Have you more than one
> > > copy of this file?
> > > On Jun 8, 2:00 pm, Daniel <vedm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Hi
> > > > I always was writing the info messages to the log (like described in
> > > > here :
> > > >http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/java/runtime.html#Logging)
> > > > I always used the .info method and the messages were perfectly shown
> > > > in the Admin Log page,
> > > > But recently i noticed the .info messages stopped to work, adn
> > > > only .warning and higher are written into the Log...
> > > > Why is that?
> > > > How can I write .info messages into the log?
> > > > import java.util.logging.Logger;
> > > > private static final Logger log =
> > > > Logger.getLogger(KeepSessionAliveServlet.class.getName());
> > > > log.info("KeepSessionAliveServlet");   <-- not working :(
> > > > log.warning("KeepSessionAliveServlet");   <-- does work :/
> > > > Any ideas?

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