If you're just looking for an MVC framework, here are two that I wrote:

Tagonist:  http://www.tagonist.org/

This is about as simple as it can possibly get.  Less than 500 lines
of code, no classpath scanning, zero (as in nada, none, zip) effect on
startup time.  It just plays clever with JSP.  For a lot of apps, this
is enough.

HTMLeasy:  http://htmleasy.googlecode.com/

This is a layer on top of RESTeasy that lets you render HTML in a
natural JAX-RS way.  You can turn off resource scanning in RESTeasy to
improve startup time, but it means you need to manually define all
your resource classes in web.xml.

The key to a fast startup is to avoid classpath scanning.
Unfortunately this means you might have to do more work yourself.


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