
since last week I am experiencing a very serious problem in my application. 
Probably since I deployed for the first time after the new SDK 1.5.2 was 

The application is locking during 30 seconds (then it raises an timeout 
Exception) just doing a single query. The query starts running normally during 
a couple hours, then randomly starts locking, and after that almost all queries 
like this lock. This is the query:

        PersistenceManager pm = PMF.get().getPersistenceManager();
        cmd = pm.getObjectById(Command.class, id);

I have also tried changing to this query:
                 PersistenceManager pm = PMF.get().getPersistenceManager();
        query = pm.newQuery(Command.class, "id == idParameter");
        query.declareParameters("Long idParameter");
        cmd = (Command) query.execute(id);

in both cases, it hangs in last sentence.

The persistence class is NOT marked as detachable.

The received exception is this:
com.google.apphosting.api.ApiProxy$ApiDeadlineExceededException: The API call 
datastore_v3.RunQuery() took too long to respond and was cancelled

Can somebody help me with this? Is somebody experiencing this error?

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