The real cost: *My professional credibility.*

That is something that is of immeasurable value and is now in the toilet. I 
do not see how it is recoverable and the loss to me is far beyond the 
not-inconsequential costs of migrating to EC2, Heroku (oh look, it runs java 
as a few days ago), Rackspace or Linode.

I have spent the last year or so being a *very* vocal advocate of GAE. I 
have advocated to start-ups in the San Diego community and at events like 
Start Up Weekend, that teams use GAE: we're starting from scratch, so we *
can* write our apps to follow the strange rules of GAE. I did so on the 
rational and reasonable belief that we had to write the apps this way 
because they allowed google to run our apps more efficiently than if we just 
spin up Tomcat. I assumed that there was secret sauce. I assumed that Google 
had done what Google does: looked at the data and done the math. Instead, it 
looks to me that they just thought of some ideas that *might* make things 
more efficient, but guessed wrong.
*Myself, and others who listened to me, have spent man-years writing 
software with onerous rules for not only zero benefit, but in fact vendor 
lock-in to higher costs. And while it will be possible to recover our dollar 
costs by migrating our apps to EC2, Heroku, etc, *I will not be able to 
recover my credibility*.

*How Google can make this right*

I put a lot of effort into learning the GAE Way. *That investment needs to 
pay off.* If the hoops we had to jump through turned out to be the wrong 
hoops, tell us what the right hoops are. There *is* an *engineering*solution to 
efficient (low cost), scalable app hosting. I bet my reputation 
on it. The GAE team needs to make that happen, not throw in the towel. If 
that means we need quota for things like RAM, fine. 

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