I have an appengine app which has been running for about a year now, i
have mainly been using JDO queries until now, but i am trying to
collect stats and the queries are taking too long. I have the
following entity (Device)

public class Device implements Serializable{
    private Set<Key> feeds;// Key for the Feed entity
So I want to get a count of how many Devices have a certain Feed. I
was doing it in JDOQL before as such (uses javax.jdo.Query):

Query query = pm.newQuery("select from Device where
Map<String, Object> paramsf = new HashMap<String, Object>();
List<Device> results = (List<Device>) query.executeWithMap(paramsf);
Though this code times out now. I was trying to use the Datastore API
so I could set chunk size,etc to see if i could speed the query up or
use a cursor, but I am unsure how to search in a Set field. I was
trying this (uses com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Query)

Query query = new Query("Device");
query.addFilter("feeds", FilterOperator.IN, feed.getId());
final FetchOptions fetchOptions =
QueryResultList<Entity> results =
Essentially i am unsure how to search in the one-to-many filed (feeds)
for a single key. Is it possible to index it somehow?

hope it makes sense....

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