Hi all,
I've been doing the same almost two years ago !
The GQL (and also extended GQL) parser is a part of DAO generator

The documentation you can find here:


On Nov 17, 4:22 pm, Max <thebb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am actually  a bit surprised after realized that no query language is
> supported on datastore low level API directly. So I spend some time to
> migrate GQL to Java SDK and just deployed one version 
> tohttp://code.google.com/p/gql4j/
> Here is the usage
>  DatastoreService? <http://code.google.com/p/gql4j/w/edit/DatastoreService> 
> datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory? 
> <http://code.google.com/p/gql4j/w/edit/DatastoreServiceFactory>.getDatastoreService();
>  GqlQuery? <http://code.google.com/p/gql4j/w/edit/GqlQuery> gql = new 
> GqlQuery? <http://code.google.com/p/gql4j/w/edit/GqlQuery>("SELECT * WHERE 
> ANCESTOR IS KEY(:1, :2) LIMIT 100 OFFSET 1000", "Person", "Amy");
>  Iterable<Entity> result = 
> datastore.prepare(gql.query()).asIterable(gql.fetchOptions());
> Simply download jar to your project and try it! No maven repo is setup for
> this one but there is a workaround documented on project homepage.
> Any feedback is welcome!
> Cheers,
> Max

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