Don't worry about your English - it's OK, actually, and far better
than if I attempted to write in your home language!

The clues are in your error messages. In appears to me that your
application cannot be compiled because your compiler is confused about
where to find the library files for the classes listed.

I don't know if you are using Eclipse and its GAE/J plug-in or not. I
use NetBeans myself. Refer to the notes and read-me text files in the
root folder of the GAE/J SDK (or the Eclipse plug-in notes?); these
should tell you what files in what folders are needed by the compiler
to build your application. You then need to ensure that your compiler
knows where these files are.

On Nov 30, 8:14 pm, Lars Werkman <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have never worked with datastores before but i want to write
> to the datastore but when i try to use the samples from docs
> i get these errors
> *Caused by: java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems: The import
> > cannot be resolved The import
> > cannot be resolved The import
> > cannot be resolved The import
> > cannot be resolved The import
> > cannot be resolved PMF cannot be
> > resolved DatastoreService cannot be resolved to a type
> > DatastoreServiceFactory cannot be resolved Entity cannot be resolved to a
> > type Entity cannot be resolved to a type*
> if have put this code in the code for my widget
> DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
> >>     Entity employee = new Entity("Employee");
> >     employee.setProperty("firstName", "Antonio");
> >     employee.setProperty("lastName", "Salieri");
> >     employee.setProperty("attendedHrTraining", true);
> >>     datastore.put(employee);
> What is the problem please help me
> (sorry for the bad english)

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