
Thank you for this post.  Your description of how to handle date
ranges led me to a solution on the map lat/long issue that has gotten
so much discussion in various threads.  I've posted the following in a
couple of other threads as well, since it seems to be a real issue.
But the solution is redundant properties, as you indicate.  Basically,
the idea is finding a way to tokenize a region so that an infinite
number of points becomes a block...

What I do is that I break down the grid into sub-degree squares by
truncating after the first decimal point, and then when I save
something that I need to find on the map later, I save metadata with
that point indicating the surrounding grid squares.

So if I have a point with long -122.123123123 and lat 35.56565, that's
in a grid square called -122.1x35.5, and it's surrounded as follows:


Those are all represented in my object as a list
(db.StringListProperty, so you have to do the right permutations to
make them into strings), and because of the way lists work, if a point
that you're searching on is in any of the grid squares associated with
a saved point, that saved point will come up.

To wit, if you have saved that above point, and someone comes in
searching on an address that corresponds to:

  LONG -122.0857
  LAT 35.69999

that corresponds to grid square '-122.0x35.6', which is in your upper
right hand corner.  Thus, if your code is something like...

 square = '-122.0x35.6'    # based on whatever normalizing function
you use
 points = (SELECT * FROM Locations WHERE gridList=:1", square)

...you'll find that the original point we saved above will return.  Of
course, this is a simple example.  Each grid square can be any size
and shape, and you can cluster as many as you like in whatever shape
you like.  For me, a 3x3 grid of 0.1 degree squares is good enough.
0.1 degrees is approximately 7 miles in the north/south direction, and
up to that big in the east-west dimension, at least at the equator.
It's a blunt tool, but once I've got a reasonable set of map data
back, then I can do further operations to throw out what I don't need.

It's all about metadata.  Don't think in terms of inequalities and
boundary conditions, think in terms of inclusive ranges.  With a
little creativity, you don't need inequalities, at least for this



On Sep 7, 7:37 am, "David Symonds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 9:42 PM, Nash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This is the part of the appengine that starts to get frustrating, the
> > more criteria you will want to add, the more impossible you will find
> > it to be.
> > If all you are looking for is to find data for a particular date then
> > I suggest adding three fields to your entity: year, month, day. If you
> > want to get results for a particular day, just provide values for
> > these attributes. By breaking the date unto three parts, you can also
> > get results by month, by year etc. But if you have want to pull data
> > between two points and between two dates, then good luck!
> In that case, you would use multiple properties: one for the whole
> date, and then split it out Y/M/D. Remember: BigTable is designed for
> lots of redundant data that makes it really easy and fast to index and
> find what you want. Don't be afraid to drop in redundant properties.
> Dave.
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