First I wanted to thank you guys for your advice. It's definitely
insightful and i'll be practicing more and more so I can get use to
the new environment. Peter: At this time your abstract advice is good
because I don't have a specific application domain in mind. I'm use to
building apps from the bottom up as you describe. I usually first
model my data by first identifying the objects involved. So now I need
to adopt a new approach. I'll definitely try thinking about the
application first.

On Sep 11, 7:20 pm, Peter Recore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I second uprise's idea of practice makes perfect.  But if you're
> looking for a different way of approaching your data, maybe this will
> help:  When I think of a relational DB, I think of building my
> application bottom up - starting with a nice neat normalized
> structure, and building my application from there.  When I think about
> bigtable, or scalable apps in general,  I try to think about my
> application as a series of actions that my user will be doing.  I ask
> myself what data will I need for each request, and how can I organize
> my entities and the relationships between them such that I can get all
> the data I need for that request with a minimum of fuss.
> Another little thing for me is terminology.  Using the term Entity and
> Entity Groups vs rows and columns reinforces for me a mental picture.
> When I think rows and columns, i think of one giant centralized table,
> with all my data in a huge tower of rows.  When I think Entities, I
> picture little blobs of Entities organized into Entity Groups,
> scattered all over a datacenter, each Group with its own private
> server ready to serve it up.
> That was all pretty abstract.  If you wanted to post an example of a
> particular application domain you are trying to model in App Engine,
> maybe we could brainstorm a little on how you would actually model
> it.
> -peter
> On Sep 11, 6:22 pm, uprise78 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The only thing I can suggest is that you watch the videos of the
> > Google talks (2 or 3 were on Big Table) then do what I've been doing:
> > - make some apps
> > - load them with fake data
> > - fail miserably with your model design
> > - try again
> > My brain is finally starting to leave the relational world and I must
> > say I am really liking Big Table.  I'm not sure if it's because its
> > something new or if I like the structure or what...
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