
For this query you do not need to use an 'IN' query.  The correct query is:

db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM PDM_InitReportEntity WHERE Users =


"In a query, comparing a list property to a value performs the test against
the list members: list_property = value tests if the value appears anywhere
in the list, list_property < value tests if any of the members of the list
are less than the given value, and so forth."


On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 11:35 PM, 102010cncger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> my code:
> class PDM_InitReportEntity(db.Model):
>     ....
>     Users=db.ListProperty(users.User)
>     ....
> another class:
> ...
> def get(self):
>    ...
>    curentuser=users.User("[EMAIL PROTECTED]")
>    pet=PDM_InitReportEntity()
>    pet.FaceUsers=[curentuser]
>    pets=db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM PDM_InitReportEntity WHERE :1 in
> FaceUsers",curentuser)#canont select like this
>    for singlepet in pets:
>        self.response.out.write(singlepet.CoName)
> >

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