I wrote a patch to enable beaker session work on webapp. You can get
code here.


On Sep 25, 1:11 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> First post related to my first ever app, so watch out.
> I've had a lot of fun making this:
> http://chroma-some.appspot.com/
> And I've gotten a fair volume of usage which has encouraged me to keep
> polishing it. One issue I was having was attempting to store too many
> data structures (big dictionary of color terms, session-related
> dictionaries, etc) in memory in the Main(). I was getting errors as a
> result.
> I memcached the big dictionary of color terms -- I want that shared
> across users -- and that seems to work fine. Searches are reasonably
> fast.
> I also created a datastore with the intention of storing the user's
> per-session saves (permanent gallery sort-of-a-thing will come later).
> This flushes into another permanent datastore at the start of each
> session (so I can track what colors are popular across time and
> region). This perm datastore works fine as well.
> But now I'm experiencing concurrency issues with what I intended to be
> a per-session datastore -- I can see other users session saves. They
> can see mine. I delete theirs, creating errors when they try to re-
> access, etc. Your classic concurrency crises!
> I could use some help -- broad stroke steps to take -- to sort of
> quickly implement a solution. Obviously, I need a user ID by which to
> filter the session saves, but what's the best practice there? How to
> create it? Where to store it (as a cookie)?
> Later I plan to make use of the Google User functionality, but at this
> stage I'd just to get the per-session datastore working w/o
> concurrency problems.
> Thanks in advance for any help!
> Jason
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