In order for us to help debug, you need to give us a few more
details.  If we don't know what's broken, we can't help you fix
it :-)  Remember, we know a little bit about App Engine, but nothing
about your application or how it works. You'll get the best results if
you include at least these two details:

1.  what you expect to see when it works.
2.  what you are seeing instead.

Good luck!

On Nov 7, 1:56 pm, Hans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thats it, I don't get a clear error.
> The Django encoder wouldn't encode my custom business objects - that's
> why I thought I had to roll my own.
> Hans
> On Nov 7, 6:43 pm, Anthony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hard to tell without knowing what sort of errors are you getting..
> > But, have you tried the included Django JSON encoder:
> > from django.utils import simplejson
> > object = simplejson.loads("{JSON}")
> > string = simplejson.dumps(object)
> > On Nov 7, 3:22 pm, Hans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I have the following code to convert common objects to JSON. On my dev
> > > box it works fine, but on production is simply does not and I can't
> > > really debug. Any suggestions?
> > > import types
> > > class TestObject():
> > >     def __init__(self):
> > >         self.dict = {'test class':'jaja'}
> > > = 'testobject'
> > >         self.lijst = ['ss','s','jaj']
> > >         self.bool = True
> > > class JsonEncoder():
> > >     ATTRIBUTES_TO_SKIP = ['__doc__','__module__']
> > >     @staticmethod
> > >     def encode(obj):
> > >         return JsonEncoder._encode(obj, type(obj))
> > >     @staticmethod
> > >     def _encode(obj,type,baseNr = 0):
> > >         typeCaseSwitch= {
> > >                           types.DictType: JsonEncoder.encodeDict
> > >                           ,types.InstanceType:
> > > JsonEncoder.encodeInstance
> > >                           ,types.NoneType: JsonEncoder.encodeNone
> > >                           ,types.StringType: JsonEncoder.encodeStr
> > >                           ,types.UnicodeType: JsonEncoder.encodeStr
> > >                           ,types.ListType: JsonEncoder.encodeList
> > >                           ,types.BooleanType: JsonEncoder.encodeBool
> > >                           ,types.IntType: JsonEncoder.encodeInt
> > >                           ,types.TupleType: JsonEncoder.encodeList
> > >                           }
> > >         try:
> > >             return typeCaseSwitch[type](obj)
> > >         except Exception, inst:
> > >             if len(obj.__class__.__bases__) > 0:
> > >                 baseType = obj.__class__.__bases__[++baseNr]
> > >                 return JsonEncoder._encode(obj, baseType)
> > >     @staticmethod
> > >     def encodeDict(obj):
> > >         result = []
> > >         for key in obj:
> > >             result.append(JsonEncoder.encode(key) + ':' +
> > > JsonEncoder.encode(obj[key]))
> > >         return '{' + ','.join(result) + '}'
> > >     @staticmethod
> > >     def encodeList(obj):
> > >         result = []
> > >         for item in obj:
> > >             result.append(JsonEncoder.encode(item))
> > >         return '[' + ','.join(result) + ']' if len(result) > 0 else
> > > '[]'
> > >     @staticmethod
> > >     def encodeBool(obj):
> > >         return str(obj).lower()
> > >     @staticmethod
> > >     def encodeInt(obj):
> > >         return str(obj)
> > >     @staticmethod
> > >     def encodeStr(obj):
> > >         #obj = obj.replace('/', r'\/')
> > >         obj = obj.replace('"', r'\"')
> > >         obj = obj.replace('\b', r'\b')
> > >         obj = obj.replace('\f', r'\f')
> > >         obj = obj.replace('\n', r'')
> > >         obj = obj.replace('\r', r'')
> > >         obj = obj.replace('\t', r'')
> > >         return '"' + str(obj).replace('\\','\\\\').replace('\"','\\
> > > \"') + '"'
> > >     @staticmethod
> > >     def encodeNone(obj):
> > >         return 'null'
> > >     @staticmethod
> > >     def encodeInstance(obj):
> > >         callableAttribs = []
> > >         for attrib in dir(obj):
> > >             if not callable(getattr(obj, attrib)) and attrib not in
> > > JsonEncoder.ATTRIBUTES_TO_SKIP:
> > >                 callableAttribs.append('"' + attrib + '":' +
> > > JsonEncoder.encode(getattr(obj, attrib)))
> > >         if len(callableAttribs) > 0:
> > >             return '{' + ','.join(callableAttribs) + '}'
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