Your expectation on a sample is a little bit too high.

On Nov 7, 9:59 pm, Alex Popescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I was looking at Shell, the Featured app available here [1] and I have
> a couple of questions related to its 'Session' management.
> 1. I think that the FrontPageHandler should redirect to the URL
> containing the newly created 'Session' session key, otherwise any page
> refresh would lead to a new 'Session'
> 2. it looks like the Sessions are persisted forever in the storage and
> there is no way to clean them out (automatically). It looks like the
> only way to do it is to run at the end of your 'scripting' session a
> db.delete(Session.all().fetch(10)). Maybe there should be a 'Logout'
> button that also takes care of this clean up.
> Thanks in advance for your comments,
> ./alex
> [1]
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