
I have a Firefox extension that sends an XMLHttpRequest multipart/form-
data request to my GAE application to upload a png screengrab (request
uses code taken from 
All is well on my dev server and on .appspot.com.
However, sending the same request to the same app through my own
domain (registered through Google Apps, CNAME with ghs.google.com)
gives me HTTP status 502 Bad Gateway after about 20 seconds. The
message body has some blurp about temporary error and try again in 30
seconds, but retrying gives the same result.

Does anybody have an idea on how to debug this further?
The logs on the admin console on appspot.com does not show any
activity for these requests. And the logs for the same request to
appspot.com look fine, they don't take very long (<400ms,
<1000mcycles) and return less than 1KB json status (I am testing with
small screengrabs, so the form-data is < 10KB).
I believe ghs.google.com proxies requests, is there some restriction


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