I think is the content-type it should be image/jpeg

On 10 nov, 14:53, Toney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I’m trying to display an image from the data store using the hello
> world sample.  When I run the code below I get a blank image displayed
> in FireFox.  I'm sure the image is uploaded because when I initially
> tried {{ greeting.pic1|escape }} in the html file I got a bunch of
> garbage back.
> Can someone pls let me know what i'm doing wrong.
> class Greeting(db.Model):
>   author = db.UserProperty()
>   date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
>   pic1 = db.BlobProperty()
> class GetImage(webapp.RequestHandler):
>   def get(self):
>     query_str = "SELECT * FROM Greeting ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT
> 10"    result[0]
>     self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/jpg'
>     self.response.out.write(result.picture)
> application = webapp.WSGIApplication(
>                                      [('/upload/', MainPage),
>                                      ('/upload/sign', Guestbook),
>                                      ('/pic', GetImage)],
>                                      debug=True)
> ----------HTML-----------
>  {% for greeting in greetings %}
>  <img src="/pic?author={{greeting. author}}"></img>
>     {% endfor %}
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