On Nov 23, 1:31 pm, Amir  Michail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 22, 5:35 pm, Amir  Michail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm stuck on the authorization part:

The bug here is sending the headers in the payload...


> Update:  both the local and deployed versions result in an
> authentication failure.
> Any hints on how I could debug this?
> Amir
> >       if self._username and self._password:
> >           self._AddAuthorizationHeader(self._username, self._password)
> >       print "self._request_headers = "+`self._request_headers`
> >       requestBody = urllib.urlencode(self._request_headers)
> >       url_data = urlfetch.fetch(url,
> >                                 method=urlfetch.POST,
> >                                 headers={'Content-type':
> >                                          'application/x-www-form-
> > urlencoded',
> >                                          'Content-Length':
> >                                          str(len(requestBody))},
> >                                          payload=requestBody).content
> > This gives the following exception when a username and password are
> > supplied:
> > ...\src\twitter.py in NewFromJsonDict(data=u'request')
> >   547     else:
> >   548       status = None
> >   549     return User(id=data.get('id', None),
> >   550                 name=data.get('name', None),
> >   551                 screen_name=data.get('screen_name', None),
> > global User = <class 'twitter.User'>, builtin id = <built-in function
> > id>, data = u'request', data.get undefined, builtin None = None, name
> > undefined, screen_name undefined, location undefined, description
> > undefined, profile_image_url undefined, url undefined, status = None
> > <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>: 'unicode' object has no attribute
> > 'get'
> > Any ideas how to get this to work?
> > Amir
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