Passing the "many" objects through a single db.put is probably the
fastest way you can store separate entities.  I believe there's still
a relatively linear cost for putting some number of entities, so it's
slower than doing a single entity put.

The performance will depend on how many is "many" objects.  If there
are just a few, I wouldn't worry about it.  If there are many, but the
entities are small (like your example or a few strings), you might
consider pickling your data if you don't need to get them
individually.  (There's a 1MB limit on entity sizes.)

class One(db.Model):
    entitydata = db.BlobProperty()

import pickle
the_one = One()
the_one.entitydata = pickle.dumps(some_python_list_or_dict)

On Dec 7, 4:43 pm, lawnman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Perhaps if I create the one-to-many relationships using reference
> properties and put all of the models of the "many" objects using a
> single db.put then performance may not be an issue.
> Is this a good assumption?
> On Dec 6, 8:58 am, kang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > maybe this helps:
> > On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 9:54 PM, lawnman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Is it possible to have a class based on db.Model that contains a list
> > > of other classes also based on db.Model but where the second classes
> > > are not stored in the Datastore separately but rather are stored with
> > > the first class. In other words I want a one-to-many relationship but
> > > do not want to store the "many's" as separate transactions for
> > > performance reasons nor do I want use entity groups because I do not
> > > have a need to reference the "many's" outside of referencing the
> > > "one".
> > > for example:
> > > class entity(db.Model):
> > >     name = db.StringProperty()
> > > class one(db.Model):
> > >         entitylist = db.??? where ??? defines a list of entity.
> > > Thanks,
> > --
> > Stay hungry,Stay foolish.
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