Yes, you're encountering 'exploding indexes'. The number of index
entries needed for a 3-term index is, for example, n*(n-1)*(n-2).

My suggestion would be this:
- Keep indexes for one and two uses of the term list.
- Keep a separate entity type that tracks how many occurrences there
are of each term in the database.
- To search, look up the terms, find the two least common ones, and
query on those. Then filter the remaining results for any other terms.

On Dec 7, 9:37 pm, Koen Bok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First off, I _really_ like the idea of AppEngine. We're hosting most
> of our sites (, on it and it works
> great for that purpose. Impressed as we were, I started trying to
> build our first serious webapp on AppEngine; a small webstore. What I
> basically wanted to do is building a page where you could browse 50
> products at a time, optionally limited by a search or tag, based on
> Django. All went well until I wanted to implement search...
> I grabbed a few example datasets from users of our Mac POS app, they
> mostly have around a 1000 products with a name, brand and description.
> I knew substring search was hard to implement, so I skipped that and
> used the undocumented models with my own set of search
> words, mostly around 40 per product. Because some searches took quite
> long I decided to slice the results by 50 at a time, not impressive
> but good enough. And because product descriptions don't change often I
> could use memcache to cache each result 'slice'.
> To do so, I figured I needed to at least order by name, so the slicing
> would make sense. Therefore I had to create an index on name,
> searchIndex (set of searchable words). Worked great, until I tried to
> type two words. I told me I had to create another index: name,
> searchIndex, searchIndex. Seemed logical, but then people may want to
> type more then 2 words at the same time so I added 5 indexes to get up
> to five words.
> From that moment inserting products started to take more then a
> second, which I guess was due to the indexing, but even worse, I
> started to get errors like BadRequestError: Too many indexed
> properties for entity: app. I found out the max indexes for an entity
> is capped at 5000, and calculated that if I were to use max 3 words
> for a search I could only add 17 searchable words in an items' index
> (17*17*17=4913). I'm still not sure that math is 100% correct, but at
> least I was able to insert most of my products again, but searching is
> just horribly slow.
> So now I'm stuck with a _lot_ of limitations for a simple app: only 3
> search terms, no substring searching, 50 results at a time and in my
> opinion pretty bad performance, especially when inserting. Maybe I'm
> doing something horribly wrong, and I don't consider myself the best
> db programmer out there but this just seems silly.
> Again, this is not to bash AppEngine because I really see the
> potential and like the idea. But as it stands now it's just unusable
> for us (a small indie dev company that wants their products to scale),
> and it's hard for me to imagine that anyone else can live with these
> limitations. I guess what I'm saying is: I love this thing to work for
> us! We want to use it and pay for it! Seriously, please fix the
> searching... you're Google for god sake :-)
> Kindest regards,
> Koen Bok -
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