I'm having the same problem.  The strange thing is that I have other
static content that serves up just fine. It seems only the images I
tried to add today are not found.

Let me know if you come up with anything.


On Dec 15, 11:31 pm, Dylan Lorimer <write2dy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Marzia -
> Thanks for your reply. So unfortunately I don't that the order of the
> app.yaml entries is the culprit. Here's my app.yaml:
> handlers:
> - url: /photos/(.*)/(.*\.(gif|png|jpg))
>   static_files: static/photos/\1/\2
>   upload: static/photos/(.*)/(.*\.(gif|png|jpg))
> - url: /css
>   static_dir: static/css
> - url: /images
>   static_dir: static/images
> - url: /js
>   static_dir: static/js
> - url: /post
>   script: main.py
>   login: admin
> - url: /.*
>   script: main.py
> My site is live @http://www.jaceyphotographs.com. You can see the
> "blog" entry with missing img, and if you check the source you'll see
> the img URL that should resolve but isn't. It is possible that my
> images haven't been uploaded to app engine by the development google
> app engine launcher? Is there any way to verify that they indeed are
> on the server?
> Did I mention that this works perfect on my development app engine
> server, which is what is making this so frustrating!
> Cheers,
> dylan
> On Dec 15, 1:42 pm, Marzia Niccolai <ma...@google.com> wrote:
> > Hi Dylan,
> > Hmmmm, this is confusing because it works perfectly for me.  I made a simple
> > application:
> > static
> >  - photos
> >   - folder
> >     - image.jpg
> >   - folder2
> >     - image.jpg [different image]
> > With this in my app.yaml:
> > - url: /photos/(.*)/(.*\.(gif|jpg))
> >   static_files: static/photos/\1/\2
> >   upload: static/photos/(.*)/(.*\.(gif|jpg))
> > And it works perfectly.
> > The only thing I can think of that may not make this work is if you have
> > another handler in your app.yaml that also matches those files and is
> > defined before this one that is causing this issue.
> > So this could 404 if your app.yaml looks like this:
> > -------------------------app.yaml-------------------------
> > - url: /.*
> >   script: main.py
> > - url: /photos/(.*)/(.*\.(gif|jpg))
> >   static_files: static/photos/\1/\2
> >   upload: static/photos/(.*)/(.*\.(gif|jpg))
> > -------------------------end-------------------------
> > Because the first handler matches all URLs.
> > Hope this helps, if not, perhaps attach your entire app.yaml file?
> > -Marzia
> > On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 12:11 AM, Dylan Lorimer 
> > <write2dy...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > In my app.yaml I have the following:
> > > - url: /photos/(.*)/(.*\.(gif|png|jpg))
> > >  static_files: static/photos/\1/\2
> > >  upload: static/photos/(.*)/(.*\.(gif|png|jpg))
> > > My application has images that I've uploaded per the following
> > > directory structure:
> > > application root
> > >  - static
> > >      - photos
> > >          -folder_1/image_1.jpg
> > >          -folder_1/image_2.jpg
> > >          -folder_2/image_3.jpg
> > > etc etc
> > > For the life of me I can't seem to serve these images successfully.
> > > Any URL hit to:www.myapp.com/photos/photo_folder_name/image_name.jpg
> > > results in a 404 not found.
> > > I'm certain this is an issue with my app.yaml static handler but can't
> > > figure it out. Any help is SUPER appreciated. It's possible that they
> > > are not being uploaded due to an error in the upload directive, but I
> > > don't think that's the case.
> > > Thanks much.

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