I've been relying on the Kind drop down. The only other difference is
that I'm also working within a Django structure.

I did just do the test using a GQL query, and was able to pull up the
original FavoriteTeamsRanking that way. Though it's still not showing
up in the Kind dropdown.

On Dec 18, 2:30 pm, Marzia Niccolai <ma...@google.com> wrote:
> Hi Joseph,
> I uploaded your example to an application that I own (yo.appspot.com), and
> it worked as expected.  So there must be something else going on here.  Have
> you tried to query for the model using GQL in the Admin console, or are you
> just relying on the kind drop down?  I'm curious to know if this might be
> where the difference is.
> -Marzia
> On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 11:26 AM, bowman.jos...@gmail.com <
> bowman.jos...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'd try taking my example on as a demo application. Some differences
> > are
> > 1. You example below you to a put in TestModelB before the
> > get_or_insert. I believe in my example I found that this would work.
> > 2. Everything in my example is happening in one request, whereas the
> > shell I believe you're ending up with each put/get_or_insert happening
> > per request. Not sure why that would matter, but I'm not fluent in the
> > internals, and any testing and research I can do is on the SDK, where
> > everything works correctly anyhow.
> > I did do my own test using the appshell, and my results were that it
> > worked correctly in that instance as well.
> > >>> class JoeTest1(db.Model):
> >  testval = db.StringProperty()
> > >>> class JoeTest2(db.Model):
> >  testval = db.StringProperty()
> > >>> list(JoeTest1.all())
> > []
> > >>> list(JoeTest2.all())
> > []
> > >>> test1 = JoeTest1(testval = "test1")
> > >>> test1.put()
> > datastore_types.Key.from_path('JoeTest1', 72664L, _app=u'shell')
> > >>> test2 = JoeTest2.get_or_insert("x", testval = "get_or_insert test")
> > >>> list(JoeTest1.all())
> > [<__main__.JoeTest1 object at 0xdee1f6793dad2940>]
> > >>> list(JoeTest2.all())
> > [<__main__.JoeTest2 object at 0xb82607baa49b66c0>]
> > >>> JoeTest1.all().get().key().name()
> > >>> JoeTest2.all().get().key().name()
> > u'x'
> > On Dec 18, 1:30 pm, ryan 
> > <ryanb+appeng...@google.com<ryanb%2bappeng...@google.com>>
> > wrote:
> > > true. i was cheating because i know the datastore internals, so i know
> > > what's relevant to problems like these and what isn't. Model vs.
> > > Expando, for example, generally isn't relevant.
> > > still, following your code much more closely,http://shell.appspot.com/
> > > still doesn't reproduce this. odd.
> > > >>> class TestModelA(db.Model):
> > >   testval = db.StringProperty()>>> class TestModelB(db.Model):
> > >   testval = db.StringProperty()>>> list(TestModelA.all())
> > > []
> > > >>> list(TestModelB.all())
> > > []
> > > >>> test1 = TestModelA(testval = "Test put 1")
> > > >>> test1.put()
> > > datastore_types.Key.from_path('TestModelA', 72663L, _app=u'shell')>>>
> > test2 = TestModelB(testval = "Test put 2")
> > > >>> test2.put()
> > > datastore_types.Key.from_path('TestModelB', 73462L, _app=u'shell')>>>
> > TestModelA().get_or_insert("goi_test", testval="get_or_insert test")
> > > <__main__.TestModelA object at 0x4a9988195796e710>>>>
> > TestModelB().get_or_insert("goi_test2", testval="get_or_insert test 2")
> > > <__main__.TestModelB object at 0x386035de932ed718>>>>
> > list(TestModelA.all())
> > > [<__main__.TestModelA object at 0xbad1185da0f83490>,
> > > <__main__.TestModelA object at 0xbad1185da0f83550>]>>>
> > list(TestModelB.all())
> > > [<__main__.TestModelB object at 0x4a9988195796e3d0>,
> > > <__main__.TestModelB object at 0x4a9988195796e290>]
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