Hi Consultuning/David,

> You probably want to use a ReferenceProperty to a Colour entity in
> your Product model. Then, customise your form something like this:
> class ProductEntryForm(djangoforms.ModelForm):
>   class Meta:
>     model = Product
>   colour = djangoforms.ModelChoiceField(Colour, required=True,
>     query=Colour.all().order('name'))

thank you very much for your suggestion to use the RefrenceProperty. I
am halfway there now. The Product form now displays a dropdown.
However, I am not really clear on how to specify what will be
displayed in that dropdown. Here is what it is displaying currently
when you open a dropdown which lets you select a SizeOption model.

<__main__.SizeOption object at 0x01C77FD0>
<__main__.SizeOption object at 0x01C77E10>
<__main__.SizeOption object at 0x01C77FD0>

I would prefer something more human readable. Here is my model

class SizeOption(db.Model):
        code = db.StringProperty(required = True)
        html = db.StringProperty(required = True, multiline = True)

class Product(db.Model):
        size_option = db.ReferenceProperty(SizeOption)

class ProductForm(djangoforms.ModelForm):
        class Meta:
                model = Product

        size_option = djangoforms.ModelChoiceField(SizeOption, None)

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