
What is the value of the key when you use get_value_for_datastore on this
property?  See recipe:


On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 11:41 AM, dloomer <dloo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Getting a "ReferenceProperty failed to be resolved" error and I can
> swear up and down that the ReferenceProperty *should* be able to be
> resolved -- i.e., this is not your classic case of referenced entities
> being deleted, as the data is all there.
> Model definition (abridged):
> class ChatWordStats(db.Model):
>        chatword = db.ReferenceProperty(ChatWord)
>        timespan = db.ReferenceProperty(StatsTimeSpan)
>        date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
> class TeamChatWordStats(db.Model):
>        team = db.ReferenceProperty(Team,required=True)
>        chatwordstats = db.ReferenceProperty(ChatWordStats)
>        date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
> offending code (this has worked fine for thousands of entities, then
> just gets stuck on this one):
>        tcws = dygmodel.TeamChatWordStats.get(key_val)
>        cws = tcws.chatwordstats
> The first line works, and the second line gives the error.  The
> key_val for the TeamChatWordStats entity is
> ahJkeWluZ2dpcmFmZmVsZWFndWVyPAsSEVRlYW1DaGF0V29yZFN0YXRzIiV0Y3dzX3RfNV9jd3NfdHNfM18yMDA1XzNfMV8wX2N3X19hbGxfDA.
> Looking up the entity in the Data Viewer of my application console,
> that shows a chatwordstats property with a key of
> ahJkeWluZ2dpcmFmZmVsZWFndWVyLwsSDUNoYXRXb3JkU3RhdHMiHGN3c190c18zXzIwMDVfM18xXzBfY3dfX2FsbF8M.
> This key also resolves fine in the Data Viewer.
> And, just in case, I verified that both ReferenceProperty values on
> the ChatWordStats entity resolve as well.
> So, where does that leave me?  I've double and triple and quadruple-
> checked everything and I'm kind of stuck.  I can provide my app name
> in a private e-mail if asked.
> >

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