
This is due to the fact that the url parameter for static_dir works
differently than that for static_files.  The static_dir regex is prefix only
with no groups:

>From static_dir description:

A URL prefix. This value uses regular expression syntax (and so regexp
special characters must be escaped), but it should not contain groupings.
All URLs that begin with this prefix are handled by this handler, using the
portion of the URL after the prefix as part of the file path.

And the description for static_files:


The URL pattern, as a regular expression. The expression can contain
groupings that can be referred to in the file path to the script with
regular expression back-references.

For example, /item-(.*?)/category-(.*) would match the URL
/item-127/category-fruit, and use 127 and fruit as the first and second

On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 12:16 AM, boson <dan.kam...@gmail.com> wrote:

> GAE docs [1] on configuring for serving static files say the "url"
> param used with static_dir "uses regular expression syntax".  I can't
> seem to get this to work.
> I wanted to let the URLs "/stuff/v1/thing.gif", "/stuff/v2/thing.gif",
> etc. all refer to a file "thing.gif" in my app's "/static/stuff"
> directory.  Tried like this:
> - url: /stuff/.*/
>  static_dir: static/stuff
> But I only get 404s.  (Nothing earlier in app.yaml is interfering
> either).
> I ended up converting it to this, which works:
> - url: /stuff/(.*)/(.*)
>  static_files: static/stuff/\2
>  upload: static/stuff/(.*)
> So it works, but the syntax is much more cumbersome.  Is regex
> supposed to work with static_dir, and if so what am I doing wrong (or
> is this a bug)?  Thanks.
> I should say that I have only tested on this dev_appserver (Mac OS X)
> so far -- haven't verified this problem in production.
> [1]
> http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/configuringanapp.html#Static_File_Handlers
> >

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