I really don't know much about WSGI, but this works for me.

As I understand it, you should probably have 1 WSGI app in the "root"
folder.  It will do whatever's appropriate to load whichever "sub-app"
needs to run.  Then they should both be able to import from the DB


/ -- app.yaml
  |  main.py
 + app_one
    | __init__.py
    | whatever.py
 + app_two
   | __init__.py
   | whatever.py
 + DB
   | __init__.py
   | model_one.py
   | model_two.py
   | model_three.py

Set up app.yaml to dispatch requests to main.py (or whatever you want
to call it).  Have it examine REQUEST and dispatch into app_one or
app_two as needed (`import app_one.whatever`).

Then files in app_one or app_two should be able to `import

If it's anything more than a dead-simple app, I'd break it down
further than that.  But that's the idea I'm using.

On Jan 14, 8:29 am, arnie <parvez...@rediffmail.com> wrote:
> I am stuck in a very big problem and could not find any solution for
> this
> Writing import DB in the BusinessList folder's businesslist.py file
> does not work. I have also added __init__.py file [empty] in the DB
> folder but of no use. Also I have created PYTHONPATH environment
> variable and gives it the path "C:/" but it seems to me that this
> setting is not working too. I have to upload this folder structure to
> GAE under one AppID
> Can anybody suggest a solution?
> Thanks
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