gaeutilities has been upgraded to version 1.1.1, this is a suggested
upgrade for all developers using the libraries. This release includes
some performance optimizations, bugfixes, and the release of new
ROTModel (Retry on Timeout Model). Please note that pages that use
session will not browser cache. If you are using session, please make
sure to not use it on pages where it's not necessary (static pages),
to better optimize your site and cut down on requests.

 - session and flash: added no_cache_headers() method that is called
whenever either
        class is loaded. This should stop any problems with browser
 - ROTModel - new Model class added that retries put operations when
db.Timeout is encountered.
 - sessions and cache: Retuned the cleanup routines default settings.
It will happen more often, but will delete less instances, lowering
the amount of time required to run the operation in an effort to avoid
deadline exceded errors in applications.
 - session - uses the new ROTModel for both session and session data.
 - session - rewrote the Cookie handling process to work better with
other applications that use the cookies in applications, Google
Analytics for example.
 - cron - Fixed a bug in the form for deleting cron entries.
 - Project - The 1.1 branch is now the suggested branch to use, 1.0 is
being deprecated.
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