Sorry haven't read this entry sooner.
As a matter of fact I developed a geolocation through ip service last
May as a test for then just released App Engine.
I was interested to test Big table's performance at the time.
So I created a Big Table model and loaded it with all ip blocks
collected by automatically fetching  related entries from various
RIR's  ARIN, APNIC  etc.
It is around 90.000 Big Table entries, and I developed a small
procedure for uploading - updating all this to BT which proved very
fast too.

With proper indexing it only needs one equality filter and it is quite
fast although more optimization can be applied.
You can try it here :
(First call can be slow coz this App is sleeping.)

last part of URL is any IP  and returns the Country code of that IP
(it works only with ipV4), although I have an other table with IPV6

Of course more development is needed for this to become a really
useful service, but I was really impressed by Big table's

Any body interested can contact me.
Take care
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